Mental Warm-ups

A wide variety of Daily Routines for 10 minutes each day
- This section includes Mental Warm-up activity files from across the website – all in the one place for easy access.
- Although of relevance for classroom teachers, this page will also be helpful for the Mathematics Co-ordinators or the Maths Improvement Team at your school.
Grades F12
3D Objects Mental Warm-up Cards F12
2D Shapes Whats my 2D Shape Mental Warmup Y12
2D Shapes Language Cards Y12
2D Shapes Warmup Y12
Position Language Cards F
Position Language Cards Y12
COUNTING Groups of 2 Dogs Poster F12
COUNTING Red and Black Beanies 5s Poster F12
COUNTING Colourful Bears 10s Poster F12
PLACE VALUE 0 – 9 Large Number Words F12
PLACE VALUE 0-9 Large Digit Cards F-7
PLACE VALUE 1st-10th Large Ordinal Number Word Cards F12
ADDITION Daily facts to 20 routine Y12
Add Subtract 10s Frames 2s Pattern Large Red F12
1 and 2-digits Mental Warmups Booklet – Place Value F/1/2
PLACE VALUE 0-100 larger cards F12
PLACE VALUE Ducks to 3-digits Y123
PLACE VALUE Cars to 3-digits Y123
PLACE VALUE Daily Routine 3 digits Y12
MULTIPLY DIVIDE Count by 2s Shell Poster F12
MULTIPLY DIVIDE Count by 5s Starfish Poster F12
MULTIPLY DIVIDE Array 5 rows of 3 yellow regular pentagons Y12
MULTIPLY DIVIDE Array 7 rows of 5 blue squares Y12
LENGTH Language Cards Mental Warm-up F12
Units of area – essential understandings F12 ACMMG037
AREA Talk about your area prompt cards F12
AREA Texture Words Mental Warm-up F12
MASS balance pans Mental warmup F12
VOLUME & CAPACITY Language Cards F12
VOLUME & CAPACITY Fill it to the top (halves) ACMMG019 ACMMG037
VOLUME & CAPACITY Fill it to the top Quarters SCALED CARDS ACMMG019 ACMMG037 copy
Time Language F ACMMG007
Time Language 1&2 ACMMG021 ACMMG039
TIME Months of Year Cards F12
TIME Numberless Clockfaces for Mental Warmups F-7
TIME Calendar 1-step S1 Mental Warmups
Grades 34
TIME Language 34 ACMMG062 ACMMG085
What do I know LENGTH Mental Warmups F123456
What do I know AREA Mental Warmups F123456
What do I know MASS Mental Warmups F123456
What do I know VOLUME & CAPACITY Mental Warmups F123456
What do I know TIME Mental Warmups F123456
TIME 10 Questions based on a Calendar Y34 ACMMG086
3D Objects NET 1 Triangular Prism Y34
3D Objects CUBE NET 7 Poster Y34
2D Shapes discussion poster Y34
2D Shapes Language Cards Y34
Position Language Cards Y34
COUNTING $100 notes poster Y34
COUNTING 50c Coins Poster Y34
COUNTING Mental Warm-ups Ideas Y34
PLACE VALUE Daily Routine 4 digits Y34
4-digits Place Value LANGUAGE POSTER ACMNA052 ACMNA053
PLACE VALUE Rounding up and down POSTER Y34
PLACE VALUE Large Roman Numeral Cards Y34
Number Quick Recall Challenge Y567
ADD SUBTRACT Daily facts to 100 routine Y234
ADD SUBTRACT Daily Routines Y34567
Groups of 9 Happy Children POSTER ACMNA075
FRACTIONS Mental Warm-ups Y3456
FRACTIONS Mental Warmup Halves Mouse Cards Y34
MONEY Sherlock Money Search Mental Warmups Y34
DATA Picture Graphs Mental Warmups Y34
DATA Tally Mark Mental Warmup Cards Y34
LENGTH Estimation cm Cards Y34
LENGTH Multiplication Perimeter Instructions Y34
LENGTH Multiplication Perimeter Large A4 Cards Y34
MASS 100g Mass Language Cards Y34
VOLUME & CAPACITY Cubic Centimetre Estimation Cards Y34
VOLUME & CAPACITY: How much water is that ACMMG019 ACMMG037
Grades 567
2D Shapes Discussion Cards Y567
3D Objects Cone Viewpoints Poster Y567
3D Objects PYRAMID_HEXAGONAL Viewpoints Poster Y567
3D Objects Follow Me cards Y567
COUNTING Halves Poster Y567
PLACE VALUE 0-9 Large Digit Cards F-7
ADD SUBTRACT Daily Routines Y34567
MULTIPLY DIVIDE Daily Routine Y567
MULTIPLY DIVIDE Division Symbol Warmup Y567
2-digit x 1-digit Multiplication Minute Masters with instructions
What’s todays rate ACMNA105 ACMNA130
MONEY Sherlock Money Search Mental Warmups Y567
FRACTIONS Mental Warm-ups Y3456
Sliced Bread Mental Warm Up Money Fractions Decimals 567
How much do these chocolates cost Money Poster
LENGTH Yes or no Mental Warmups Y567
Length Quick Recall Facts Challenge Y4567
Area Quick Recall Facts Challenge Y567
MASS Logical Thinking Mass Mental Warmups Y567
MASS Proportional Thinking Mental Warmups Y567
Mass Quick Recall Facts Challenge Y567
VOLUME & CAPACITY Poster Mental Warmup Y567
Volume and Capacity Quick Recall Facts Challenge Year 4
TIME Numberless Clockfaces for Mental Warmups F-7
Time Quick Recall Facts Challenge Year 4
Time Language 56 ACMMG110 ACMMG139