Maths jokes are a great way to add some spice to your maths sessions. Challenge your students to collect, discuss and evaluate as many different maths jokes as they can. You could develop a whole school collection to share with parents too.
This red T-shirt is one of my favourites: “Too much pi gives you a larger circumference” – so clever, so mathematical.
Some jokes can be obvious, such as: Question: “How many seconds are there in a year?” Answer: “Twelve, January second, February second, March second, …”
And what about this joke about Venn diagrams, based on the famous old Carly Simon song hit from 1972, “You’re so vain, I bet you think this song is about you, don’t you, don’t you?”
Or unexpected jokes such as:
Why was six afraid of seven? Because 7 8 9.
Jokes also play on words:
Question: What do you call a crushed angle?
Answer: A Rectangle (wrecked angle)
Question: Why was the scalene triangle sad?
Answer: Because he would never be right.
Which maths jokes are your favourites? Why?