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Exploring Graphs, Chance and Data is a companion to the other books in the Exploring Maths series and is suitable for teachers of 5 – 7 year old students.The activities in this 94 page book help you link Number, Space and Measurement across the curriculum. Over 25 action-packed lesson suggestions show you how to manipulate these concepts in fun, practical ways. The book is divided into sequenced units, packed with photocopiable activity resources, discussion starters and reusable worksheets for small groups or a whole class. For example, your students will love to try “Nifty ways to graph with name cards”, ‘Dinosaur Danger” or “That’s not fair”.

Click here to purchase a copy directly from the publisher or to view sample pages.

Exploring 2D Space is part of the Exploring Maths series for teachers of 5 – 7 year olds. Space is one of the most creative maths substrands, with direct links to your visual arts program. It is also packed full of special language that helps your students make sense of their world. This 94 page book includes over 30 action-packed lesson suggestions that show you how to manipulate Space concepts in fun, practical ways. The flexible open-ended activities range from simple to challenging to help you cater for different ability groups. The book is divided into sequenced units, packed with photocopiable playing cards, activity cards and reusable worksheets for small groups or a whole class. For example, your students will love to try “Am I one of these?”, ‘Wiggles” or “Origami Whale”.

Click here to purchase a copy directly from the publisher. If you are a subscriber, and you would like to download 20 sample pages, just click Note: You must be logged in to view this Exploring 2D Space sample.


Exploring 3D Space and Position is part of the Exploring Maths series and is suitable for teachers of 5 – 7 year old students.To help inspire you about the joys of 3D Space and Position, this 94 page book includes over 35 action-packed lesson suggestions that show you how to manipulate Space concepts in fun, practical ways. The flexible open-ended activities range from simple to challenging to help you cater for different ability groups. The book is divided into sequenced units, packed with photocopiable playing cards, activity cards and reusable worksheets for small groups or a whole class to explore for at least a week at a time. For example, your students will love to try “Where does it belong?”, ‘Stack or pack it” or “Lead the way”.

If you are a subscriber, you can download the complete book – just click Note: You must be logged in to view the complete 3D Space and Position book.

Exploring Temperature and Time is part of the Exploring Maths series and is suitable for teachers of 5 – 7 year old students.

Measurement is a practical way to apply number skills to solve problems specific to each student’s stage of development. This 94 page book includes over 30 action-packed ideas for manipulating Measurement concepts in fun, practical ways. The flexible open-ended activities range from simple to challenging to help you cater for different ability groups. The book is divided into sequenced units, packed with photocopiable discussion and activity cards for small groups or a whole class. For example, your students will love to try “How does it feel?”, ‘Turn-a-week” or “Just a minute”.

If you are a subscriber, and you would like to download 26 sample pages, just click Note: You must be logged in to view this Exploring Temperature and Time sample.

Exploring Volume and Mass is part of the Exploring Maths series and is suitable for teachers of 5 – 7 year old students.

Measurement is a practical way to apply number skills to solve problems specific to each student’s stage of development. Yet for many teachers this is one of the most difficult substrands to teach. This 94 page book includes over 30 action-packed ideas for explaining the language of and manipulating volume, capacity and mass concepts in fun, practical ways. The flexible open-ended activities range from simple to challenging to help you cater for different ability groups. The book is divided into sequenced units, packed with photocopiable discussion and activity cards for small groups or a whole class. For example, your students will love to try “Tip it out”, ‘Groceries” or “Mystery Parcels”.

If you are a subscriber, you can download the complete book – just click Note: You must be logged in to view the complete Exploring Volume and Mass book.

Exploring Length and Area is part of the Exploring Maths series and is suitable for teachers of 5 – 7 year old students.

Measurement is a practical way to apply number skills to solve problems specific to each student’s stage of development. This 94 page book includes over 35 action-packed ideas for explaining the language of and manipulating length and area concepts in fun, practical ways. The flexible open-ended activities range from simple to challenging to help you cater for different ability groups. The book is divided into sequenced units, packed with photocopiable discussion and activity cards for small groups or a whole class. For example, your students will love to try “Python Parts”, “Meter Monsters” or “Which covers more?”.

If you are a subscriber, and you would like to download 24 sample pages, just click Note: You must be logged in to view this Exploring Length and Area sample.

Exploring Money is a companion to the other books in the Exploring Maths series and is suitable for teachers of 5 – 7 year old students. Money is a maths topic familiar to all students. You discuss it as part of your class routines and news, when you calculate the total collected for a favourite charity, a special excursion or lunch costs at the school canteen. This 94 page book contains over 30 action-packed suggestions for developing skills in recognising, naming, matching and using coins and notes in fun, practical ways. The flexible, open-ended activities range from simple to challenging to help you cater for different ability groups. The book is divided into sequenced units, packed with photocopiable playing cards, activity cards and reusable worksheets for small groups or a whole class to explore for at least a week at a time. For example, your students will love to try “Which is worth more?”, ‘Cash Registers” or “Change Challenges”.

Click here to purchase a copy directly from the publisher. If you are a subscriber, and you would like to download 20 sample pages, just click Note: You must be logged in to view this Exploring Money sample.

Exploring Fractions is part of the Exploring Maths series of teacher resources for 5 – 7 year old students. Although common fractions no longer have the same emphasis as they did before we had metric measurements, they are still used in daily conversation. They play an important role in the development of your students’ understanding of number and place value. The activities in this 94 page book explore the many ways we divide sets of objects or a whole object into equal and unequal parts. By playing fraction games, talking about fractions to a partner or actively cutting, tearing, drawing or sharing fractional parts, your students will see how easy fractions are to construct, compare and order. The book is divided into sequenced units, packed with photocopiable playing cards, activity cards and reusable worksheets for small groups or a whole class to explore for at least a week at a time. For example, your students will love to try “Find my Halves”, ‘Fruity Fractions” or “Brilliant things to do with Pizza Cards”.

Click here to purchase a copy directly from the publisher. If you are a subscriber and you would you like to download 24 sample pages, just click Note: You must be logged in to view this Exploring Fractions sample.

Exploring Calculators is part of the Exploring Maths series for teachers of 5 – 7 year old students. Calculators are an inexpensive, fun tool for mathematical discovery in our classrooms. Young students no longer need to be limited by the size of numbers they can manipulate. They can appreciate the joys of exploring a wide range of maths concepts and patterns at an early age. The focus is on mathematical thinking & problem-solving, not just the mechanics of calculation. There are over 60 exciting teaching ideas for developing skills in estimation, whole number, addition & subtraction in particular. Although free exploration & discovery is encouraged, there are sets of 8 activity cards for structured activities for pairs, small groups or even the whole class, all written in clear, easy-to-understand language. Activities range from just pressing buttons to see what happens through to more complex number crunching. Your students will love trying “Press and Guess”, “Calculator detectives” or “Beat the Calculator”.

Click here to purchase a copy directly from the publisher. If you are a subscriber and you would you like to download 24 sample pages, just click Note: You must be logged in to view this Exploring Calculators sample.

Exploring Operations 0 – 100 is part of the Exploring Maths series of teacher resources for teachers of 5 – 7 year old students. This 94 page book contains over 50 ideas for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with whole numbers to 100. To help your students work independently and think mathematically, the activities are as open-ended and flexible as possible. And you can cater for a wide ability range in your class. One group may be memorising number facts to 20, while a second group is using these facts in a game. A third group may be exploring more formal sums and differences to 50. One group may even be exploring with sums and differences to 100 and beyond. For example, your students will love to try “Frog Facts”, “Caterpillars” or “Beat the Clock”.

Click here to purchase a copy directly from the publisher. If you are a subscriber and you would you like to download 17 sample pages, just click Note: You must be logged in to view this Exploring Operations 0-100 sample.


Exploring Operations 0 – 50 is part of the Exploring Maths series of teacher resources for teachers of 5 – 7 year old students. This 94 page book contains over 60 blackline masters for adding and subtracting or multiplying and dividing with whole numbers up to 50. To help your students work independently and think mathematically, the activities are as open-ended and flexible as possible. And you can cater for a wide ability range in your class. One group may be exploring number facts to 10, while a second group is recording these facts using the formal word cards. A third group may be using the symbol cards and recording in a workbook. One group may even be exploring facts to 20 and beyond. The emphasis is on mental recall and practical maniplulation of objects. For example, your students will love to try “Who’s got the most Cheese?”, “Eat your Vegies” or “What a lot of legs”.

Click here to purchase a copy directly from the publisher. If you are a subscriber and you would you like to download 19 sample pages, just click Note: You must be logged in to view this Exploring Operations 0-50 sample.


Exploring Numbers 1 – 5 is part of the Exploring Maths series of teacher resources for teachers of 5 – 7 year old students. This 94 page book contains over 100 easy-to-use and easy-to-understand early number activities. All the illustrations are by Janice Bowles who loves to create happy, characters that will charm your students.There are sample programs, blackline masters and assessment pages to make your teaching life easier. There are flashcards, original number rhymes and activities for individuals, pairs and small groups. All exploring just the numbers from 1 – 5. You’ll never run out of ideas again.  For example, your students will love to try “Fussy Teddy”, “Batches of Balloons” or “Sort the Starfish”.

If you are a subscriber and you would like to download 16 sample pages, just click Note: You must be logged in to view this Exploring Numbers 1-5 sample.

Exploring Numbers 6 – 10 is part of the Exploring Maths series for teachers of 5 – 7 year old students. This 94 page book contains over 100 easy-to-use and easy-to-understand early number activities. All the illustrations are by Janice Bowles who loves to create happy, characters that will charm your students.There are sample programs, blackline masters and assessment pages to make your teaching life easier. There are flashcards, original number rhymes and activities for individuals, pairs and small groups. All exploring just the numbers from 6 – 10. You’ll never run out of ideas again.  For example, your students will love to try “Build the Butterflies”, “Too Many Legs” or “Alien Footprints”.

If you are a subscriber and you would like to download 16 sample pages, just click Note: You must be logged in to view this Exploring Numbers 6-10 sample.

Number Games and Activities for 0 – 10 is part of the Exploring Maths series for teachers of 5 – 7 year old students. This 86 page book contains 10 easy-to-use, multi-purpose games to help numbers come alive in your classroom. The 10 themes have immediate appeal for young students, who will love manipulating frogs, dogbones and freckles as part of their daily maths activities. Each activity is designed to help students recognise, match and use numbers 0 – 10 in an imaginative way, with follow-up ideas for using numbers 11 – 19. There are also 8 posters showing how to count in other languages. All the illustrations are by Janice Bowles who loves to create happy, characters that will charm your students. Everything is designed to make your teaching life easier. You’ll never run out of ideas again.  For example, your students will love to try “Find a Bone”, “Something Fishy” or “Busy Bees”.

If you are a subscriber, you can download the complete book – just click Note: You must be logged in to view the complete Number Games and Activities book.

Exploring Numeration 0 – 50 is part of the Exploring Maths series for teachers of 5 – 7 year old students. This 94 page book contains over 60 easy-to-use and easy-to-understand ideas for maximising your students’ concepts in whole number and place value to 50. There are posters, playing cards, spinners and assessment check-up ideas. All the illustrations are by Janice Bowles who loves to create happy, characters that will charm your students. Everything is designed to   to make your teaching life easier. You’ll never run out of ideas again.  For example, your students will love to try “Sort the Lion’s Mane”, “Join them Up” or “Paw Prints”.

Click here to purchase a copy directly from the publisher. If you are a subscriber and you would you like to download 14 sample pages, just click Note: You must be logged in to view this Exploring Numeration 0-50 sample.

Exploring Numeration 0 – 100 is part of the Exploring Maths series of teacher resources for teachers of 5 – 7 year old students. This 94 page book contains over 60 ideas to help you maximise the way your students build up their knowledge of our Base 10 counting system. The focus is on groups of 10 and extras. To help your students work independently and think mathematically, the activities are as open-ended and flexible as possible. And you can cater for a wide ability range in your class. One group may be exploring numbers to 20, while a second group explores numbers to 99. A third group may be exploring numbers beyond 100.  For example, your students will love to try “Mental Mind Munchers”, “Catch the Ants” or “Win a Shark”.

If you are a subscriber you can download the whole book – just click Note: You must be logged in to view Bev’s Exploring Numeration 0-100 book.